tijdloze.rocks bevat statistieken en informatie over de Tijdloze 100. Dit is de allertijden-lijst van Studio Brussel. Op het einde van elk jaar zend StuBru het beste uit de rockgeschiedenis uit. Op deze site vind je alle lijsten sinds 1987 en allerhande statistieken.
Lay It Down
Nummer van Magnapop
Origineel op album Hot Boxing (1994)
A sense of worth
A sense of same
A sense of what is in your name
Of what it means to let you down
And pretend when you're around
Lay it down for the last time
And then turn away
Lay it down for the last time
Surely show your rage
I'm sorry doesn't matter
And it makes you mad
And if it always stays the same
Then you'll never see it
I'm sorry doesn't help it
And it turns you away
You know there's something there
And it's tearing away at
The part that kills your faith
The part that kills your faith
A sense of worth
A sense of same
A sense of what is in your name
Of what it means to let you down
And pretend when you're around
Lay it down for the last time
And then turn away
Lay it down for the last time
Surely show your rage
Lay it down for the last time
And then turn away
Lay it down
I'm sorry doesn't matter
And it makes you mad
And if it always stays the same
Then you never see it
I'm sorry doesn't help it
And it turns you away
You know there's something there
And it's tearing away at
The part that kills your faith
The part that kills your faith
A sense of worth
A sense of same
A sense of what is in your name
Of what it means to let you down
And pretend when you're around
Lay it down for the last time
And then turn away
Lay it down for the last time
Surely show your rage
Lay it down for the last time
And then turn away
Lay it down for the last time
Surely show your rage
Lay it down for the last time
And then turn away
Lay it down