
Bridge over Troubled Water

Origineel op album Bridge over Troubled Water (1970)

Lead vocals: Man

Taal: Engels

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Laatst geladen: 14/02/2025 13:07:39

Bridge over Troubled Water is een single van het Amerikaanse zangersduo Simon & Garfunkel. Het in 1970 uitgebrachte nummer behaalde successen over de gehele wereld. Het verscheen op het gelijknamige album.

De eerder goedlopende samenwerking tussen Paul Simon en Art Garfunkel begon scheuren te vertonen. Regelmatige ruzies over wie de meeste zeggenschap over de liedjes moest hebben, begonnen hun tol te eisen. Zo ook met dit nummer. Simon had het nummer weliswaar geschreven, maar de voornaamste zangstem ging naar Garfunkel en dat kon Simon moeilijk verkroppen. Saillant detail daarbij is dat Garfunkel in eerste instantie het nummer juist niet wilde zingen; het zou niet bij zijn stem passen; Garfunkel zou gezegd hebben dat Paul Simon het maar moest zingen, aldus Simon in Rolling Stone (1972).

Dat de heren in onmin met elkaar leefden bleek geen invloed te hebben op het succes. Bridge over Troubled Water haalde vele hitnoteringen binnen in allerlei Top-tigs. Het eerdergenoemde blad Rolling Stone benoemde het tot een van de beste 500 singles, ooit uitgegeven.

Wikipedia (Engels)
Inhoud van Wikipedia met licentie Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0
Laatst geladen: 14/02/2025 13:07:39

"Bridge over Troubled Water" is a song by the American folk rock duo Simon & Garfunkel, released in January 1970 as the second single from their fifth studio album, Bridge over Troubled Water (1970). It was written by Paul Simon and produced by Simon, Art Garfunkel and Roy Halee.

"Bridge over Troubled Water" features lead vocals by Art Garfunkel and a piano accompaniment influenced by gospel music, with a "Wall of Sound"-style production. It was the last song recorded for the album, but the first completed. The instrumentation, provided by the Wrecking Crew, was recorded in California, while Simon and Garfunkel's vocals were recorded in New York. Simon felt Garfunkel should sing solo, an invitation Garfunkel initially declined. Session musician Larry Knechtel performs piano, with Joe Osborn playing bass guitar and Hal Blaine on drums.

The song won five awards at the 13th Annual Grammy Awards in 1971, including Grammy Award for Record of the Year and Song of the Year. It is Simon & Garfunkel's most successful single, and it is often considered their signature song. It topped the US Billboard Hot 100 chart for six weeks, and was the No. 1 song on the Billboard Year-End Hot 100 singles of 1970. It also hit number one in the United Kingdom, Canada, France and New Zealand. It reached the top five in eight other countries, eventually selling over six million copies worldwide. It became one of the most performed songs of the 20th century, covered by over 50 artists, including Elvis Presley, Aretha Franklin and Johnny Cash. It is ranked number 66 on Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.