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Bloodbuzz Ohio
Nummer van The National
Origineel op album High Violet (2010)
Stand up straight at the foot of your love
I'll lift my shirt up
Stand up straight at the foot of your love
I'll lift my shirt up
I was carried to Ohio in a swarm of bees
I never married but Ohio don't remember me
Lay my head on the hood of your car
I take it too far
Lay my head on the hood of your car
I take it too far
I still owe money to the money to the money I owe
I never thought about love when I thought about home
I still owe money to the money to the money I owe
The floors are falling out from everybody I know
I'm on a bloodbuzz
Yes I am
I'm on a blood... buzz
I'm on a bloodbuzz
God I am
I'm on a blood... buzz
I was carried to Ohio in a swarm of bees
I never married but Ohio don't remember me
I still owe money to the money to the money I owe
I never thought about love when I thought about home
I still owe money to the money to the money I owe
The floors are falling out from everybody I know
I'm on a bloodbuzz
Yes I am
I'm on a blood... buzz
I'm on a bloodbuzz
God I am
I'm on a blood... buzz