
Iron Sky

Nummer van Paolo Nutini
Origineel op album Caustic Love (2014)

Lead vocals: Man

Taal: Engels

Wikipedia (Nederlands)
Inhoud van Wikipedia met licentie Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0
Laatst geladen: 14/02/2025 13:08:48

Iron Sky is een nummer van de Schotse zanger Paolo Nutini van het album Caustic Love uit 2014. De release was op 14 augustus 2014.

In het nummer zit een speech verwerkt van Charlie Chaplin uit de film The Great Dictator.

Hoewel het nummer in eerste instantie een onbekende single was in Nederland, werd het lied bekend tijdens de ochtendshow van Giel Beelen op 3FM naar aanleiding van de Aanslag op Charlie Hebdo op 7 januari 2015. Het nummer kreeg een week later notering als nummer 15 in de 3FM Mega Top 50. In de Nederlandse Top 40 deed het het minder goed, de hoogste notitie was nummer 30.

Wikipedia (Engels)
Inhoud van Wikipedia met licentie Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0
Laatst geladen: 14/02/2025 13:08:48

"Iron Sky" is a rock song by Scottish singer/songwriter Paolo Nutini from his third studio album Caustic Love, which was released in April 2014. The song was released as a single on Atlantic Records in August 2014. The song was a minor hit in the UK charts in the spring of 2014, reaching number 42 in April of that year, ahead of its official single release.

The song was described as being a "slow burner." The Independent described it as being a "stirring blend of conscious-soul subject with deep-soul style" and compared the song to being, "like Percy Sledge singing Curtis Mayfield.". The song features an audio excerpt of the famous speech Charlie Chaplin gave in his film The Great Dictator (1940).

Initially a non-charting single in the Netherlands, the song was revived by radio station 3FM in early 2015 following the Paris shootings at the Charlie Hebdo offices on 7 January 2015. It was rush re-released as a single and only a week later reached number 15 in 3FM's Mega Top 50 chart.

The song is also sampled in Bon Iver's song "33 'GOD"" from their 2016 album 22, A Million.