tijdloze.rocks bevat statistieken en informatie over de Tijdloze 100. Dit is de allertijden-lijst van Studio Brussel. Op het einde van elk jaar zend StuBru het beste uit de rockgeschiedenis uit. Op deze site vind je alle lijsten sinds 1987 en allerhande statistieken.
I Put a Spell on You
Nummer van Creedence Clearwater Revival
Origineel op album Creedence Clearwater Revival (1968)
I put a spell on you
Because you're mine
You better stop the things that you're doing
I said "Watch out, I ain't lying"
I ain't gonna take none of your fooling around
I ain't gonna take none of your putting me down
I put a spell on you
Because you're mine
I put a spell on you
Because you're mine
You better stop the things that you're doing
I said "Watch out, I ain't lying"
I ain't gonna take none of your fooling around
I ain't gonna take none of your putting me down
I put a spell on you
Because you're mine